Eddie Mahdi

The 4 Ways to Prepare Your Business for The Cloud

The Cloud is becoming more mainstream every year in the business world, and it’s no surprise, given the benefits it offers organisations of all sizes.

As this new technology is embraced, new ideas and innovations are developed, adding to these advantages. Adopting the Cloud in your own business can be a great idea, however it’s important to adequately prepare your team, your infrastructure and your model to be able to make the most of the opportunity. In this article, we highlight the main ways to help you on your journey towards Cloud Computing.


1. Align your goals

All businesses have visions, missions, strategies and tactics. Adopting The Cloud is a major introduction into your business that can help support your entire operation. So, the first step is to revisit your goals and determine how The Cloud can help you better achieve them. This will provide a far clearer rationale and perspective as to why you’re introducing Cloud Computing.

2. Do your research

There are a lot of options, providers, deals and subscription plans out there, designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of businesses. It can often be overwhelming when looking at all of the different selections; so the best step forward is taking the time to research your requirements and find the ideal choice. Here’s a link to Cloud Computing: Does your Business Need It?

3. Educate your team

Whatever your business size is, the success of adopting the Cloud depends on your team’s acceptance and willingness to use it. When you decide to go ahead, it’s important to keep your team in the loop so they understand why and how you’re implementing it. You may also wish to consider any additional training sessions to make them feel comfortable in adopting it into their daily roles.

4. Plan your time frames

Once you’re ready to begin, it’s important to establish a clear time-frame to map out the transition. It becomes harder if it’s implemented haphazardly, however setting clear dates ensures complete transparency and keeps the project on track.

Does your business use Cloud already?

This whole concept of The Cloud may seem a little daunting or overwhelming to your business. Sure- you can see the benefits, but it can often feel a little out of reach when you’re a smaller enterprise. However, the truth is, given the way technology is integrated into our lives today, chances are that your business may already be ready for the advantages The Cloud has to offer.

Is your business Cloud ready?

Cloud computing technology is a service which offers your business a lot of versatility across many functions of your business; so it’s worth learning more about what it can offer you. However, your business may be ready to take advantage of the Cloud than you realise.

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